5 Essential Tips To Get Google AdSense Approval Fast

Getting a fully approved AdSense account nowadays is not a child's play, unlike before where you can just create a bloggers blog with some contents on it then apply for AdSense and you get approved in less than an hour, but today it's a different story since your website/blog has to undergo two different verification processes before finally get approved, i.e if only your website/blog comply with the Google AdSense Terms Of Service (TOS).

Thousands of blogs are been created everyday and majority of them are "Newbies" bloggers who setup a blog majorly to make money with it throughGoogle AdSense program. The funny part is that most of them won't even mind glancing through Google AdSense policies to know what exactly should be put in place before applying for AdSense, what they do is to quickly apply for"Google AdSense" without even one unique or original content(s) found on their blog(s), but these are bloggers who may have possibly published 100 Posts in two days, at the end they'll be disappointed with AdSense feedback that their application cannot be approved because of plagiarize content(s) or some other reasons.

Get Adsense Approval Fast

Getting approval into Google AdSense program is not that difficult as it may seems, but you just need to put their programs policies into consideration if you really want to get approved.

To get an approved Google AdSense account within 24hours just follow the steps outlined below! That's exactly what i did to get mine.


Google AdSense policies guidelines stated that as an AdSense publisher you need to create pages for: About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Terms And Condition & a Site Map. All these are necessary if not mandatory for you to get approved into the AdSense program.


Please and please, never you attempt applying for Google AdSense with a sub-domain like: softvie.blogspot.com because AdSense will never approve your application, you must have to apply with a Top Level Domain (TLD) which would be something like: mysite.com instead mysite.blogspot.com. So, you need to apply for AdSense with a "Custom Domain".


If you really want to get approval for AdSense program, don't ever try copying and paste content(s) from other blog(s)/website(s), if you try, Google will know, and that will lead to your account not getting approved. My little advice is that you should always make sure your content(s) is original/unique, once you've written about 40 to 100 unique posts, you can then apply for AdSense!


Before applying for Google AdSense, go to your blogger template and check if you've added the proper meta tags that gives the best description of your blog.


You should first work to improve your blog traffic before applying for GoogleAdSense, make sure your blog receive a decent amount of traffic from search engine like: Google.


Once you have put into consideration those tips mentioned above, then you can now apply for AdSense! Make sure to provide a correct information when applying, this tips works for me, i believe it will also work for you. Happy blogging pals.
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